Shared Ground: A CPD for Schools on Teaching about Migration

Shared Ground: A CPD for Schools on Teaching about Migration

At a time when migration continues to be a controversial issue, and with anti-racism high on school agendas, we have developed a half day training for teachers towards a critical understanding of migration through a global learning framework.

This training combines adult-level thinking with practical activities for the classroom in a comprehensive approach that is both informative and interactive.

We have listened to and weaved in a diverse range of perspectives to strategically develop, integrate and join up fragmented thinking, work and material culminating in this course which will inspire teachers and engage students.

Every Shared Ground Migration CPD includes a range of activities. These all support the learning outcomes which are that you, as a teacher or TA, will:

  • Gain deeper awareness and understanding of the realities and complexities of Migration
  • Have reflected on their own understanding, views and attitudes towards Migration, considering multiple perspectives
  • Have increased confidence to explore attitudes and experiences within their school community and understand how to create open spaces for dialogue and critical thinking
  • Explore a range of effective teaching resources and methodologies to nurture learners’ values, skills and attitudes for understanding, engaging with and acting positively on issues around Migration
  • Have a range of new approaches to support learners to understand global and historical inequality, become more open to difference, identify and challenge racist attitudes and therefore be more able to build relationships based on equity and trust
  • Have critically applied new ideas and approaches within their own school contexts
  • Have gained tools to evaluate teaching methods and the impact they have
  • £900, delivered by two facilitators, capped at 30 attendees. Available face to face or online.
  • Schools subscribed to the Tower Hamlets School Library Services get a discount of 10%.


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This course was developed with funding from: