STORYsilience Digital Resource
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STORYsilience Digital Resource

Online Resource and Learning Tools

At the start of March, we hosted our STORYsilience workshops and sharing event with the young people from Oaklands School who participated in the project. In an honest and deliberate performance, they shared their final spoken word piece and reflections in a post-performance conversation.

As part of our workshops, we shared our free online STORYsilience resource that includes our project learning guide and toolkit. The guide supports educators to work with young people around the themes of the project. introducing the underpinning theories, structure and tools. It is meant to excite and motivate to start the journey in transformation and creativity.  The toolkit contains practical learning tools with descriptive steps designed and described for educators who work with youngsters interested in arts and arts-based techniques to encourage storytelling and making for social resilience.

The platform also includes a link to Experianta and an online forum for STORYsilience for educators and facilitators from across Europe.

Access the digital platform here.

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